Partner 135
Partner 135 is committed to equipping and assisting today's church to reach today's world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Strategic Partnerships
Our primary way of reaching the world with the Gospel is by leveraging Kingdom partnerships between US disciples and groups of indigenous disciples to fulfill the Great Commission within specific cultures and geographical regions (Acts 1:8) through the local Church and Church Networks.
Discover. Develop. Deploy.
Unreached and unengaged people groups around the globe; the best means to contextually communicate the gospel and make disciples; missionally motivated churches; obedient followers of Jesus Christ who desire to utilize their God-given talents, skills, passions and resources to share the gospel and eternally impact the Kingdom of God!
Developing contextualized strategies for utilizing short-term mission teams; customized plans for churches to successfully engage their “ends of the Earth” with the gospel; infrastructures for optimizing reproducibility and sustainability; leaders both in the US and around the world.
Short-term and long-term missionaries and missions teams; the Church in other parts of the world to their Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the Earth; resources to develop Christian leaders.
More than 50 years of reaching the nations.
Our understanding of God's Word and Jesus' example drives everything we do.
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