Be a Gospel Partner
"We must continue equipping the local church to conduct the work of the ministry of reconciliation given to all disciples of Jesus Christ"​

What is a Gospel Partner?
Assisting and equipping today's church to reach today's world
A Gospel Partner is someone who gives $60 per month or more to the general fund. We have discovered that, on average, one person comes to the Lord for every $60 given through Partner 135.
Since 1971, Partner 135 has been proclaiming the Gospel to people worldwide, and leading God's people to do the same. We do this by mobilizing disciples on short-term mission trips. Partner 135 has well-established works on four continents. Our National Partners are a key part of the strategy God is using to advance His Kingdom.
As a Gospel Partner, you will receive a monthly letter from the president of Partner 135 sharing a story of what your investments are accomplishing.
Donate Monthly and make an ongoing impact for the Kingdom!

Because of Gospel Partners
Tens of thousands of people hear the gospel.
People are mobilized to the Unreached World with the Good News.
Dozens of national missionaries are supported and sent.
Bibles are distributed in many languages across the world.
Hundreds of national pastors are enabled to preach the Word.
Hundreds of children are cared for and taught to follow Jesus.
Make a Monthly Donation
We have a goal of raising between 25-33% of our general ministry fund needs through monthly partnership commitments. This fund allows the work of the Kingdom (sponsorships, mobilization, church planting, and various other ministry activities) to continue year round. It also allows for emergency relief when hard times fall on the church around the world.
Your prayers and support enable us to continue supporting disciple makers on the field year round. These laborers in the harvest are inviting people into The Kingdom daily through Gospel preaching, acts of love and mercy, equipping the saints, and expanding the work beyond their local areas.
We have discovered for about every $60 given, someone comes to faith in Jesus! Would you consider giving a monthly amount of $60, $120... what about $600?
Donate Monthly and make an ongoing impact for the Kingdom!